Kronenberg COllection
The following are pages from the Kronenberg Collection. Dr Stanley Kronenberg was one of the foremost authorities on Polish philately and we proudly present pages from his extensive collection and research. Included in this collection are extensive studies of forgeries and the identifying characteristics of these fakes. Many of the items shown are important reference items for specialists in Polish philately.
Dr. Stanley Kronenberg (1927-2000) was a world-renowned nuclear physicist and authority on nuclear-radiation technology and detectors. Kronenberg enjoyed a long and decorated career with the U.S. government. Born on 3 May 1927 in Krosno, Poland, Kronenberg received his PhD in physics from the University of Vienna in 1952. Kronenberg was an international expert in Polish philately who determined, for collectors and auctioneers, whether stamps were genuine or forgeries. 100 publications about stamps and related subjects bear his name. He is also the recipient of the Polonus Founders Award for his lifelong contributions to Polish philately.
Local Issues 1916-1919
Presented here are pages from Kronenberg’s collection featuring local mail issues form Checiny, Luboml, Otwok, Przeborz, Sosnowice, Zawierce, Zarki, St. Augustow and Suwalki from the period from 1916 to 1919 Included are examples of each issues and varieties, postal uses, proofs, and forgeries.
Collection size: 99 pages
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1918-1919 Issues – 2nd Republic of Poland
This section of the Kronenberg collection focuses on issues of the 2nd Republic after its formation in November 1918 after the end of World War 1. Of particular note is presentation of the Second Warsaw Provisional issue, overprints of the “Karlfund” stamps (“Lublin Issue”), and the first and second (“Gniezno”) Poznan issues and their forgeries.
Collection size: 97 pages
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1944-1950 Issues
Presented here are selected pages from Kronenberg’s collection for issues between 1944 and 1950. These pages include forgeries of Lublin (1944) Wodzowie Proofs, unissued “Krakow” overprints and liberated cities issues. Included are examples of each issues and varieties, postal uses, proofs, and forgeries.
Collection size: 100 pages
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Poland and World War II
This section includes stamps and postal history of Poland during World War II. Included is Polish Government in Exile, Poland at War, Monte Cassino issue, Polish Miltary Post in Russia, Kozielsk (USSR) and Starobielsk POW camp correspondence, Dojdziemy Stamos (Siberia), Polish Army in France, Polish Army Corp in Great Britain, IInd Polish Army Corps.
Collection size: 75 pages
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Plebecites 1919-1922
This section includes stamps and postal history of the Plebecites in Marienwerder,Olsztyn, Upper Silesia, Eastern Silesia
Collection size: 50 pages
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Consular Mail 1919-1920
This section includes the “Levant” overprinted stamps of the Polish Postal Agency in Constantinople. Also include are proofs and forgeries of the “Levant” overprints. Also included is the Odessa Overprints of the Polish Consular Mail in the Ukraine
Collection size: 19 pages
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Kraków Forgeries
This section includes Kraków Issue overprints which were forged to defraud collectors. Beginning from the time of the official overprinting had begun, forgeries were made which range from the most primitive to advanced.
Collection size: 33 pages
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